Our Story
Welcome to MyJapaneseRecipes! This website contains many traditional Japanese recipes as well as other healthy dishes that my Japanese wife makes. This website and its recipes are specifically designed to help people, who do not live in Japan, cook Japanese food. Each recipe has multimedia including pictures and videos to help illustrate the cooking process. I hope that through this website you will begin to enjoy cooking Japanese food!

I lived in Japan for 4 years before moving back to the US. While in Japan I met my future wife! We married and currently live on the East Coast of the US. I decided to start this website because my wife’s cooking is amazing! We often have our friends over for gyoza or temaki sushi parties. I asked her if we could start a website to detail her cooking. She decided to help out by measuring each ingredient, writing out the recipes, taking pictures, and making videos! Her vast knowledge of Japanese cooking and her family’s recipes are recorded with this website.

Japanese Food
I had never had much Japanese food before living in Japan, besides the occasional sushi at restaurants. But after living in Japan I realized how deep, rich, and different Japanese food is from other cuisines. Whether you’re passionate about Japanese food or are simply looking to expand your food repertoire, this website will help.
Our Vision
We want to encourage people around the world to cook Japanese cuisine because we believe it contains rich and unique flavors. Many people believe that it is difficult to obtain necessary ingredients for cooking Japanese food. However, we live in the USA and are able to find the ingredients at the local Asian supermarket and regular market. Our vision is to help people around the world, not just in Japan, enjoy and cook Japanese cuisine.