Put eggs into the pot
Pour ~5 cups of water into the pot to fully cover the eggs
Turn on the stove and begin boiling the water. Occasionally, stir to rotate the eggs
Pour 150 mL (~0.6 cups) of water into a separate pot to begin making the sauce
Add 150 mL of soy sauce into the sauce pot
Add 5 mL of mirin into the sauce pot
Add 50 mL of cooking alcohol into the sauce pot
Add 3/4 tsp of dashi into the sauce pot
Begin boiling the sauce
After the water begins to boil, boil the eggs for 7 minutes
After the sauce begins to boil, turn off the heat and allow to cool
Prepare some ice water and place the eggs inside to easily peel the boiled eggs
Place the eggs and and sauce into a large zip-lock or similar type of bag
Place in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. If you wait overnight, they will taste even better as the flavor infuses into the egg