Japanese Style Braised Eggplant Recipe

Japanese Style Braised Eggplant Recipe

This Japanese Style Braised Eggplant Recipe is simple to prepare and a healthy dish. Braised eggplant or 茄子の煮びたし (nasu no nibitashi) is cooked with soy sauce and ginger. It isn’t often served at restaurants, except as appetizer in izakayas (Japanese bars). However, it is often 

Harusame Salad with Beef Strips Recipe

Harusame Salad with Beef Strips Recipe

Harusame Salad with Beef Strips Recipe is healthy, easy to make, and tastes delicious. Harusame noodles are loaded with strips of beef, slices of red onions, and topped with cucumbers, yellow and red peppers. It’s a balanced meal containing carbohydrates, protein, and loads of vegetables. 

Healthy Japanese Shiraae Recipe (Mashed Tofu Salad)

Healthy Japanese Shiraae Recipe (Mashed Tofu Salad)

This Healthy Japanese Shiraae Recipe is a classic Japanese dish made from creamy tofu, soy sauce, miso, and a mixture of vegetables. This vegetarian-friendly dish is healthy and super easy to make. So let’s get started! Shiraae comes from two different words. Shira means “white” 

Takenoko Gohan (Bamboo Rice) Recipe

Takenoko Gohan (Bamboo Rice) Recipe

Takenoko Gohan Bamboo Rice Recipe is a simple, rice dish flavored with Japanese seasonings and mixed with bamboo shoots. I also added aburaage (deep fried tofu) and konnyaku in this recipe. It is flavored with traditional Japanese seasonings. Bamboo rice is a seasonal dish that 

Japanese Kinpira Recipe

Japanese Kinpira Recipe

Kinpira is a style of cooking. In this Japanese kinpira recipe I used konnyaku and carrots. It can be made with peppers, baby bamboo sprouts, chikuwa and others. It is often made with gobo and called kinpira gobo. Gobo is difficult to find in the 

Japanese Pickles Asazuke Recipe

Japanese Pickles Asazuke Recipe

Asazuke is similar to tsukemono, but the method of cooking is quite different. Tsukemono can take days to cook while asazuke can be prepared and finished in less than 60 minutes! It is perfect for sides to accompany your main dish. Pickled vegetable asazuke contains 

Japanese Cabbage Roll Recipe

Japanese Cabbage Roll Recipe

Cabbage roll or (ロールキャベツ) is a popular dish made by wrapping ground meat and diced onions in cabbage and simmering in a seasoned soup. It is a popular western-style Japanese food (yoshoku), just like hamburger steak, omurice, spaghetti napolitan, potato salad, and tonkatsu. Japanese cabbage 

Japanese Style Sundubu Jjigae (Spicy Tofu Stew)

Japanese Style Sundubu Jjigae (Spicy Tofu Stew)

Sundubu Jjigae originally came from Korea. Many Japanese (including myself) purchase Sundubu Jjigae stock packs, mix with water and enjoy at home. I’ve eaten Sundubu Jjigae both in Japan and in Korea and the flavors are slightly different due to the spices. I brought a 

Japanese Bean Sprout Salad Recipe

Japanese Bean Sprout Salad Recipe

This Japanese bean sprout salad recipe is for busy nights when you don’t have much time to prepare a meal. It takes less than 10 minutes to prepare and is simple to make. You can use it as a side dish, or eat it as 

Japanese Beef Curry Recipe with Tomatoes

Japanese Beef Curry Recipe with Tomatoes

This Japanese beef curry recipe will teach you how to cook an easy dish that has amazing versatility and is always delicious. Kids love it, and moms love making it because it is so easy. It is a staple of Japanese households. ANYTHING can go